Calculate tSNE and UMAP projections in 2- and 3-dimensions

Calculate tSNE in 2-dimensions

Calculate UMAP in 2-dimensions

Calculate tSNE in 3-dimensions

Calculate UMAP in 3-dimensions

add_all_projections(seurat, n_dimensions = 40, input_reduction = "pca")

add_2d_tsne(seurat, n_dimensions = 40, input_reduction = "pca")

add_2d_umap(seurat, n_dimensions = 40, input_reduction = "pca")

add_3d_tsne(seurat, n_dimensions = 40, input_reduction = "pca")

add_3d_umap(seurat, n_dimensions = 40, input_reduction = "pca")



Seurat object


Number of dimensions from which the projection is calculated


The reduction from which the projection is calculated


  • add_all_projections: Add 3D tSNE reduction to Seurat object

  • add_2d_tsne: Add 2D tSNE reduction to Seurat object

  • add_2d_umap: Add 3D UMAP reduction to Seurat object

  • add_3d_tsne: Add 3D tSNE reduction to Seurat object

  • add_3d_umap: Add 3D UMAP reduction to Seurat object