
Using the filtered single nucleus expression and accessibility matrices, written by Cell Ranger ARC, a Seurat object is prepared that contains RNA and chromatin accessibility assays with little modification.



Read Cell Ranger ARC output into assays

Read the Cell Ranger ARC filtered_feature_bc_matrix and save the result, ready to create assay(s). Two RNA assays are created for each dataset: one using features indexed by accession and another by feature name. An additional chromatin accessibility assay is created, for which accession and name are the same since they are genomic intervals.

workflow:L38 R/Seurat/write_10x_counts_matrices R/Seurat/make_assay R/Signac/make_chromatin_assay

Create Seurat object

Collect the miscellaneous data and assays and create a Seurat object, saved as an RDS file.

workflow:L131 R/Seurat/make_object

Printable channels

These channels can be dumped to the output device using the `-dump-channels` Nextflow option with the workflow root tag and the channel tag, for example: seurat:prepare:cell_ranger_arc:tasks.

:barcoded_matrices_to_readParameters to read filtered expression matrices in both accession or name modes using.
:barcoded_matricesPaths to the created matrix objects that will be used to write assays.
:rna_assays_branched.accessionPaths to assays created using accessions.
:rna_assays_branched.namePaths to assays created using names.
:rna_assaysMerge of accession- and name-indexed assays.
:chromatin_assays_to_createParameters used to make a Signac chromatin accessibility assay.
:chromatin_assaysPaths to the created chromatin accessibility assays.
:objects_to_createParameters used to create Seurat objects.
:objectsPaths to created Seurat objects.
:resultInput parameters with seurat path key added.
:tasksEach task’s output task.yaml files from the task channel.