
Analysis of single cell data using Seurat-based methods.



Create a Seurat object

Datasets are split into two channels according to presence of the seurat file parameter. The seurat/prepare workflow for the quantification method is used to create an object.


Printable channels

These channels can be dumped to the output device using the `-dump-channels` Nextflow option with the workflow root tag and the channel tag, for example: seurat:tasks.

:quantified_by.cell_rangerChannel of datasets for which a Seurat oject is required and was quantified by Cell Ranger.
:quantified_by.cell_ranger_arcCell Ranger ARC-qauntified datasets that do not have a seurat file.
:quantified_by.unknownDatasets that lack both seurat file and quantification method.
:resultThe parameters channels with workflow parameters included.
:tasksEach task’s output task.yaml files from the task channel.