
A variety of methods are implemented that can take FastQ files and output quantified expression data, creating intermediate files such as indexes as required.



Quantify datasets

Datasets are grouped according to the presence of quantification/* in the workflows. Quantification workflows are dispatched according to the workflow values.


Printable channels

These channels can be dumped to the output device using the `-dump-channels` Nextflow option with the workflow root tag and the channel tag, for example: quantification:tasks.

:quantification.cell_rangerDatasets that include a quantification/cell_ranger workflow.
:quantification.cell_ranger_arcDatasets that include a quantification/cell_ranger_arc workflow.
:quantification.cell_ranger_multiDatasets that include a quantification/cell_ranger_multi workflow.
:quantification.unknownAny datasets that contain an as-yet unimplemented quantification method.
:resultChannel containing all of the parameters with new keys added.
:tasksEach task’s output task.yaml files from the task channel.