
Using cellranger-arc software, libraries for snRNA-seq and cell-matched snATAC-seq assays are quantified against an index, which can be optionally created.



Create missing indexes

For datasets that do not have an index path, an index is created using the information in the genome stanza. The unique set of required indexes are created.

workflow:L28 cell_ranger_arc/mkref

Create project sample sheet

Write a formatted configuration file that includes all libraries in this project which will be subset for libraries in a dataset.

workflow:L65 cell_ranger_arc/make_libraries_csv

Quantify assays

Use the FastQ files to quantify RNA expression and chromatin accessibility in single cells.

workflow:L90 cell_ranger_arc/count

Printable channels

These channels can be dumped to the output device using the `-dump-channels` Nextflow option with the workflow root tag and the channel tag, for example: quantification:cell_ranger_arc:tasks.

:genome_indexes.missingDatasets for which the index path is missing; indexes will be created for these.
:genome_indexes.providedDatasets for which the index path has been provided.
:index_pathsThe indexes that have been created or provided.
:feature_type_paramsA channel that collates the project-wide information required to make the Cell Ranger ARC sample sheet.
:datasets_to_quantifyParameter sets for datasets that will be quantified.
:quantified_datasetsParameter sets of datasets that were quantified.
:resultInput parameters with the index path (if applicable), libraries_csv, quantification method and quantification path keys added.
:tasksEach task’s output task.yaml files from the task channel.