
Use the 10X cellranger software to quantify expression and optionally create a genome index against which gene expression can be quantified.



Make genome index

Use cellranger mkref to make an index against which expression can be quantified using fasta file and gtf file. The output index is named using the id key.

workflow:L27 cell_ranger/mkref

Quantify expression

Run cellranger count to align and quantify gene expression using the FastQ files and a genome index.

workflow:L61 cell_ranger/count

Printable channels

These channels can be dumped to the output device using the `-dump-channels` Nextflow option with the workflow root tag and the channel tag, for example: quantification:cell_ranger:tasks.

:genome_indexes.missingDatasets that do not have an index path, the unique set of indexes are created from fasta file and gtf file.
:genome_indexes.providedDatasets that have an index path so do not need further work.
:index_pathsA channel of index paths for the genomes in the project.
:datasets_to_quantifyDataset parameters passed into the workflow, subset for relevant keys.
:quantified_datasetsAfter quantification, the quantification path key is added to the parameters.
:resultThe new parameters from the workflow are merged back into the input parameters, with a quantification method key added. The channel is emitted from the workflow as result.
:tasksEach task’s output task.yaml files from the task channel.