
A Seurat object is created from the assays, metadata and miscellaneous objects and written to an RDS file.



Channel nameDescriptionType
optA map of task-specific
tagA unique identifier to use in the tag directive.string
remove barcode suffixWhether to remove numeric suffix from barcode (usually “-1”). This should be “TRUE” or “FALSE”.string
assaysA list of files that contain assays to include in the object.files
assay namesA list of names that the assays should be saved to in the object. Must be the same order as assays.strings
misc dataA list of files that contain objects that should be added to the misc slot of the Seurat object.files
misc namesA list of names that the miscellaneous objects should be saved to in the object. Must be the same order as misc data.strings
projectThe name of the dataset to save in the object, accessed via Seurat::Project().string


Emission nameDescriptionTypeFilename pattern
optA map of task-specific
taskYAML-formatted file of task parameters and software versions used by the task.filetask.yaml
seuratA Seurat object with assays and miscellaneous objects.fileseurat.rds



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Seurat is an R package designed for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data. Seurat aims to enable users to identify and interpret sources of heterogeneity from single-cell transcriptomic measurements, and to integrate diverse types of single-cell data.

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