Subsections of R


  • get_mart

    Make a connection to the release-matched Ensembl database and saves the object as an RDS file.

    Subsections of biomaRt


    • convert_fai_to_seqinfo

      Converts a FastA index (`fai`) to a {GenomeInfoDb} `Seqinfo` object and saves the object to an RDS file.

      Subsections of GenomeInfoDB


      Subsections of GenomicRanges


      • make_assay

        Writes assay objects as RDS files for a specified assay type.

        • make_object

          A Seurat object is created from the assays, metadata and miscellaneous objects and written to an RDS file.

          • percentage_feature_set

            Adds a metadata variable that shows the perentage of a cell's data that originates from features that match a regex.

            • write_10x_counts_matrices

              Reads a directory containing Cell Ranger-formatted output into a list of matrices.

              Subsections of Seurat

              Subsections of Signac