
  • cell_ranger

    • count

      Quantify gene expression in a single cell RNA-seq dataset.

      • mkref

        Creates an index for use with Cell Ranger. It can produce custom genomes if provided with the relevant (and correctly formatted) FastA and GTF files.

      • cell_ranger_arc

        • count

          Aligns and quantifies FastQ files from a 10X snRNA+ATAC-seq experiment against a reference genome. Output matrices are provided in triplet and h5 formats.

          • make_libraries_csv

            Creates a sample sheet for a whole project, listing the sample names, assay types and paths to FastQ files. It can be subset to produce a sample sheet for a sample.

            • mkref

              Creates an index for use with Cell Ranger ARC. It can produce custom genomes if provided with the relevant (and correctly formatted) FastA and GTF files.

            • cell_ranger_multi

              • count

                Aligns and quantifies FastQ files from a multiomic 10x experiment against a reference genome and include VDJ-B/T and cell surface markers. Output matrices for gene expression and features are provided in triplet and h5 formats. VDJ data are provided separately.

                • make_input_csv

                  Creates a configuration file for a library, listing the sample names, assay types and paths to FastQ files (etc).

                • R

                • samtools

                  • faidx

                    Create a FastA index from a FastA file, providing a `.fai` file.

                  • tools

                    • cat

                      Concatenate multiple files into a single output file. Different input formats can be used; based on the extension, YAML files are concatenated using `yq`, otherwise `cat` is used.