
Aligns and quantifies FastQ files from a multiomic 10x experiment against a reference genome and include VDJ-B/T and cell surface markers. Output matrices for gene expression and features are provided in triplet and h5 formats. VDJ data are provided separately.



Channel nameDescriptionType
optA map of task-specific
output dirA path to use as the Cell Ranger multi output directory.string
dataset_idsAn array of datasets that should be in the library, there may be only one. When there is only one sample in the per_sample_outs, the sample is renamed to the hyphen-joined list of dataset IDs.strings
config.csvPath to the configuration file.file


Emission nameDescriptionTypeFilename pattern
optA map of task-specific
taskYAML-formatted file of task parameters and software versions used by the task.filetask.yaml
config_csvConfiguration file used by the task.file*/config.csv
multi_quantification_pathCell Ranger multi outputs directory.path*/multi
per_sample_quantification_pathCell Ranger multi gene expression outputs directory for each dataset. Subdirecotries of these include “count” and “vdj_b” for example.path*/per_sample_outs


cell ranger extcount multithreaded

Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single cell data to align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering and other secondary analysis, and more.

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