
Creates an index for use with Cell Ranger. It can produce custom genomes if provided with the relevant (and correctly formatted) FastA and GTF files.



Channel nameDescriptionType
optA map of task-specific
tagAn identifier to use in the tag directive.string
assemblyGenome assembly (eg. mm10)string
path to FastAsPath to directory containing FastA files to index. These will be concatenated into a single FastA file.path
path to GTFsPath to directory containing GTF files. These will be concatenated into a single GTF file.path


Emission nameDescriptionTypeFilename pattern
optA map of task-specific
taskYAML-formatted file of task parameters and software versions used by the task.filetask.yaml
pathPath to the newly created index.path


cell ranger extmkref multithreaded

Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single cell data to align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering and other secondary analysis, and more.

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